An inspiring space for learning and professionalization with masters and figures of international dance.

For years, leading professionals from the world of dance and choreographic creation have been meeting at the International Summer Dance, an inspiring educational and pedagogical space that prologues the previous program of activities and proposals of the Certamen Burgos & New York and that has as its stable headquarters the Centro Hélade. 

Prominent dance figures such as Kazuko Hirabayashi, Takeiro Ueyama, Asunción Noales, Arantxa Sargadoy, Jill Eco, Lejato Amara Robinson, Maruxa Salas, Klevis Elmazaj, Amaury Lebrum, Christelle Horna or Lázaro Carreño, among many other professionals, have participated in this pioneering program that provides students with specific tools for choreographic composition, but also familiarizes young performers and talents of our country with techniques and working tools close to the poetics or languages of the most current movement arts.

Who is it aimed at?

The International Summer Dance is preferably aimed at young dancers and performers from Castilla y León and offers graduates and final year students of artistic education in the Community the opportunity to benefit from significant discounts.

This project has established itself as a benchmark in specialized training in dance and choreography in our country and has a strong practical character, since the works and proposals that arise within the framework of the classes are then taken to the stage during the opening gala of the competition. The program offers a total of 30 places, 15 for dancers from Castilla y León or 15 for performers from Europe and other parts of the national geography.

Thanks to INAEM through the call for INTERAUTONOMIC DANCE COPRODUCTION TOUR SUPPORT, we present a project with a firm commitment to the advancement and dignification of the professional career of young dancers in Spain, in response to the scarcity of opportunities and the trend of talent flight abroad. This project emerges as a crucial response to the need to retain emerging talent in our country, providing real and meaningful platforms where young people can not only perform and be fairly remunerated, but also grow and flourish in a rich and diverse artistic environment.

During these days we will propose as a creative theme the ENVIRONMENT, NATURE and RESOURCES in the face of CLIMATE change as a generator of artistic impulses and as a catalyst for reflection, taking advantage of the art of dance to communicate the beauty and fragility of our planet. The emotional connection that dance can generate to environmental issues has the potential to resonate deeply with contemporary audiences, driving not only artistic appreciation but also active engagement with environmental protection.

We will work on this project and at the end of the course there will be a performance of the show "Jóvenes en danza: "RAÍCES" where the work promoted from Burgos can be seen in full, in communication with all the young people attending the course and the public until full capacity is reached.

In addition, it will offer the recruitment of up to four dancers students and graduates of official dance center participating in this course, to join the cast that will tour with the production "YOUTH IN DANCE: ROOTS".

«We know that creativity and movement composition are areas that often need more attention in the training of future performers and choreographers. The careful selection of the contents that make up this program is key, since the choice of what we want to communicate to our young artists is transcendental. We rely on the experience of professionals who know firsthand how the stage imagination "breathes" around the world»

Alberto Estébanez



LIMITED SPACES: 30 places for dancers and dance students from 16 years old onwards

LOCATION: Hélade authorized dance center with more than 600 meters of specialized dance facilities

SCHEDULE: From 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

PRICE: 250€

50% discount for dancers from professional dance schools in Castilla y León and authorized centers.

Do you need accommodation? Residencia Universitaria Micampus Burgos



Parallel course of the contest for dancers and students


Bailaor, coreógrafo y director

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DIRECTOR: Alberto Esbébanez

PRODUCTION: Sara Sáiz y Leticia Bernardo

TECHNICAL TEAM: Miguel Tena, Alejandra Miñón y Eva Merchán



HOST: Andrea Santamaría


AUDIOVISUALS: Carlos Herrera