1. Works created specifically for the competition, that is, works that are premieres, shall have preference in the selection process.

2. None of the prizes may be declared void.

3. Choreographers whose works are registered with the SGAE or other similar rights societies must have paid the canon for their performance. The management of the Contest will not pay any royalties for the choreographies in competition. In the same way, if the music of the choreography is subject to any kind of royalty, the contestant choreographer will bear the expenses related to the SGAE or other similar rights societies. 

4. All choreographies by new and professional choreographers, Spanish or foreign, over 18 years of age, are eligible to participate. The performers of the works must also be over 18, with the exception of performers and choreographers in the category of 'Burgos T-Mueve'. 

5. All film material generated by the competition will remain at the disposal of the organization. Likewise, the organization reserves the right to keep all the material sent -including the works not selected for its historical archive- and will be exempted from the rights of the images taken by the photographer during the Contest. Local, regional and national television channels will be allowed to film the competition for information purposes only, so that no choreographer will be able to prevent the recording of the competition. 

6. In the competition of 'Danza en el Teatro' may compete premiered works, but will not be admitted those that have won first prizes in other competitions in the year of the celebration. The winner of the previous edition will not be allowed to compete and must wait one year to present again. The following will be elements to be classified by the jury: the realization of the choreographies, forms of choreographic language and its handling, elements of innovation, use of stage space, involvement with the music, content and message. The organization of the Contest will be able to include more works in the competition in case there is an excess of short works.

7. The same dancer may compete in more than one choreography. However, a choreographer may only compete with one work in the Contest, even if he/she has presented several pieces in different categories, except for 'Burgos T-Mueve'. 

8. A specific team of professionals for each competition will evaluate the videos and will select those they consider appropriate according to professional criteria. The works may be shown with all their elements (including lighting and costumes) or simply with a rehearsal recording. The selected choreography must be identical to that of the video. Substantial changes will not be admitted. 

9. The stay of the contestants and their meals will be paid by the organization. For those groups coming from the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, the Balearic Islands and abroad, a travel allowance of 200 euros per group for round trip will be provided, but travel expenses will not be included. For the rest of the participants, the usual travel expenses (train, bus or car tickets) will be paid up to a maximum of 100 euros per group. Disqualified contestants who wish to stay for the final will have to pay their accommodation and food expenses. The organization will provide them with special prices.

10. For the 'Danza en el Camino' Festival, the organizing team of the contest (CIDANZ Producciones-Ballet Contemporáneo de Burgos SL) will select the three invited choreographers.

11. All participating choreographers will hold a meeting with the director of the competition before the start of the competition to, among other things, clarify to those who are interested and / or have been selected for the tour 'Gala de Creador@s. Choreographers of the XXI' tour, the economic proposal and the conditions of participation and its different prizes.

• Any other case not included in these rules will be resolved by the management of the organizing committee.

• Being selected in the competition implies the acceptance of these rules.

• Failure to comply with them may result in the participants not receiving the scholarships, travel, accommodation and the possibility of competing.




Contemporary and urban dance


23/07/25. Burgos

24/07/25. Burgos

25/07/25. Burgos

Preference will be given to those works created specifically for the competition, that is to say, works that have been premiered for the first time. The selection will be based on the film material provided by the participants. 

The works must not exceed 10 minutes in length, and those longer than 10 minutes will be eliminated. Open to works with a single dancer, duets or groups, the maximum number of dancers per choreography will be eight. The competition will be held over two days, with eight pieces competing each day. On the third day - the day on which the closing gala and awards ceremony will be held - only the choreographies designated by the jury will be danced in order to validate their scores and/or comparisons with the rest of the works in competition.

The selected choreographers will receive a document that must be signed and re-delivered committing to attend the competition except in the case of exceptions and force majeure. 

Any other case not included in these rules will be resolved by the management of the organizing committee. Being selected in the competition implies the acceptance of these rules and the general rules of the competition. Failure to comply with them may result in the participants not receiving the scholarships, travel, accommodation and the possibility of competing.

Choreographers interested in submitting their proposals to the Festival must provide audiovisual material (five minutes long) for evaluation by the selection committee. In this material, they will show the style that defines their choreographic line, as well as a general idea about the choreographic composition and its relationship with the Jacobean Route or any of its values or conceptual elements. Preference in the selection will be given to those works created specifically for the festival, i.e., unpublished (as a premiere).

The festival organizers, CIDANZ Producciones-Ballet Contemporáneo de Burgos SL, will evaluate the proposals submitted and select the three finalist choreographers.

The maximum number of performers will be five and works with only one performer may be presented. The style is free: the festival 'Danza en el Camino' is open to the programming and exhibition of Spanish, classical, contemporary, urban, etc. dance pieces.

The work must be between 10 and 15 minutes long. The choreography will be unpublished and expressly created for 'Danza en el Camino'. 

The scenic space will be at street level, seeking to blend in with the environment. A dance linoleum that simulates stone separates the artist from the audience. The lighting is on-site and as a support in the later hours.

Choreographers who have their works registered with the SGAE or other similar rights societies must have paid the canon for their performance. The Festival management will not pay any fee for the choreographies in competition. In the same way, if the music of the choreography is subject to any kind of royalty, the choreographer contestant will bear the expenses related to the SGAE or other similar rights societies.

All choreographies by new and professional choreographers, Spanish or foreign, over 18 years of age, may participate. 

All film material will remain at the disposal of the Festival organization. Likewise, the organization reserves the right to keep all the material sent -including the works not selected for its historical archive- and will be exempted from the rights of the images taken by the photographer during the development of the performances. Local, regional and national television channels will be allowed free access only for informative purposes, so that no choreographer will be able to prevent the recording of the staging of his or her piece.

The organization will be responsible for the cost of accommodation, meals and transportation during the Festival. For those groups coming from the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, the Balearic Islands and abroad, a travel allowance of 200 euros per group will be provided, but not including travel expenses. For the rest of the participants, the usual travel expenses (train, bus or car tickets) will be paid up to a maximum of 100 euros per group.




(open air dance)



1/07/25. Huesca

2/07/25. Huesca

3/07/25. Huesca

4/07/25. La Rioja

5/07/25. La Rioja

6/07/25. La Rioja

7/07/25. Burgos

8/07/25. Burgos

10/07/25. Palencia

11/07/25. Palencia

12/07/25. Palencia

13/07/25. León

14/07/25. León

15/07/25. León

16/07/25. Lugo

17/07/25. Lugo

18/07/25. A Coruña

20/07/25. Bilbao

21/07/25. Burgos





(open air dance)


22/07/25. Burgos

The selection of the works in the competition will be made by means of the film material sent by the participants. The works may not be longer than ten minutes. Those longer than ten minutes will be disqualified. The maximum number of performers per choreography will be eight. The selected choreographers will receive a document that must be signed and re-delivered committing to attend the competition except in the case of exceptions and force majeure. 

Any other case not included in these rules will be resolved by the management of the organizing committee. Being selected in the competition implies the acceptance of these rules and the general rules of the competition. Failure to comply with them may leave the participants without the scholarships, travel, stay and the possibility of competing.

The six choreographies will also have the possibility of touring in the agreements that the BU&NY Contest maintains with the Junta de Castilla y León through the Red de Teatros y Circuitos materialized in the show 'Coreógrafos del XXI'. They will also be eligible for all the prizes of the BU&NY Contest.

Participation is open to individual artists and artistic collectives whose members, of any nationality, are over 18 years of age and have done large-format mural works before.

The works must be original and unpublished and will not be accepted those that have been previously awarded or are awaiting the decision of a jury. The participant declares and guarantees to the organization that he/she is the sole owner of all copyrights on the work submitted to the contest and is fully responsible for the absence of third party rights in the works submitted, as well as for any claim for image rights.

A proposal will be chosen from the different sketches attached to the registration form. The work will be made during the celebration of the Contest. The organization will provide the selected artist with a lifting platform, storage area and the necessary material for the execution of the mural, except for the paint. The materials will be supplied by the organization and the amount of the same may not exceed a limit agreed between the Contest and the participant.

Once the registration period is closed, participants will be notified of the jury's decision well in advance of the dates of the Contest.

If the organization considers that the final result of the work has changed excessively from the initial sketch, it may take action on it. The authors of the proposals submitted will cede free of charge, but not exclusively, the rights of reproduction and public communication to the organization of the contest. In case the works are used by the organization, they will always appear with the signature of the author.

The organization will ensure the conservation of the works registered during this time, but is not responsible for any damage caused after the end of the contest.

Selected participants will receive a document that must be signed and re-delivered committing to attend the competition, except in cases of force majeure.

Any other case not included in these rules will be resolved by the management of the organizing committee. Being selected in the competition implies the acceptance of these rules and the general rules of the competition. Failure to comply with them may result in the participants not receiving the scholarships, travel, accommodation and the possibility of competing.




of an urban

space of



21/07/25. Burgos

22/07/25. Burgos

23/07/25. Burgos

24/07/25. Burgos

25/07/25. Burgos




recorded with cell phone


Until 18/07/25 - @cicbuny

Participation in this contest implies acceptance of the following rules:

Participation will be totally free and free of charge. It is open to those over 14 years of age.

Participants may submit an unlimited number of works or choreographies recorded with their cell phones (smartphones).

The contest is open to any dance modality or discipline: contemporary, ballet, hip-hop, dancehall, shuffle, urban dance, jazz, tap dance, afro, Latin dance, ballroom dance, pole dance, burlesque, Spanish dance, flamenco, folklore....

All persons or private spaces appearing in the videos must have given their express consent to the participants. In no case will be accepted creations or choreographies that violate the honor of a group, include discriminatory material and / or violate the rights or dignity of persons. The organization of the Contest reserves the right to exclude from the competition any work that violates the rights of third parties.

Choreographies must have a minimum duration of 30 seconds and may not exceed 60 seconds.

The works submitted to the contest must be unpublished or, instead, free adaptations of choreographies created by others.

Participants must upload the video to their social profile on Instagram or Facebook, obligatorily tag Certamen Internacional de Coreografía Burgos & Nueva York (@cicbuny) and include the hashtag #burgostmueve. The profiles must be open accounts so that other users can view the videos. Failing this, and in the case of Facebook, the publications of the videos in the contest must be configured as public.

The organization allows the use of the editing programs that the participant considers appropriate.

The deadline for submitting entries will be until July 18, 2025.

The jury's decision will be announced through the Contest's profile on social networks on July 22, 2025, during the course of the day. For the purposes of public voting, 'Likes' received up to July 21, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. will be counted.



DIRECTOR: Alberto Esbébanez

PRODUCTION: Sara Sáiz y Leticia Bernardo

TECHNICAL TEAM: Miguel Tena, Alejandra Miñón y Eva Merchán



HOST: Andrea Santamaría


AUDIOVISUALS: Carlos Herrera